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Example 1:

' Robotics with the Boe-Bot - StartResetIndicator.bs2
' Test the piezospeaker circuit.

' {$STAMP BS2}                   ' Stamp directive.
' {$PBASIC 2.5}                  ' PBASIC directive.

 DEBUG CLS, "Beep!!!"            ' Display while speaker beeps.
 FREQOUT 4, 2000, 3000           ' Signal program start/reset.

 DO                              ' DO...LOOP
  DEBUG CR, "Waiting for reset…" ' Display message
  PAUSE 500                      ' every 0.5 seconds
 LOOP                            ' until hardware reset.

Example 2:

' Robotics with the Boe-Bot - TestServoSpeed.bs2
' Enter pulse width, then count revolutions of the wheel.
' The wheel will run for 6 seconds
' Multiply by 10 to get revolutions per minute (RPM).

'{$PBASIC 2.5}

counter          VAR    Word
pulseWidth       VAR    Word

 FREQOUT 4, 2000, 3000              ' Signal program start/reset.


  DEBUG "Enter pulse width: "
  DEBUGIN DEC pulseWidth

  FOR counter = 1 TO 244
   PULSOUT 12, pulseWidth
   PULSOUT 13, pulseWidth
   PAUSE 20


Example 3:

' Robotics with the Boe-Bot - EepromNavigation.bs2
' Navigate using characters stored in EEPROM.

' {$STAMP BS2}                     ' Stamp directive.
' {$PBASIC 2.5}                    ' PBASIC directive.

DEBUG "Program Running!"

' -----[ Variables ]----------------------------------------------------------

pulseCount   VAR  Word             ' Stores number of pulses.
address      VAR  Byte             ' Stores EEPROM address.
instruction  VAR  Byte             ' Stores EEPROM instruction.

' -----[ EEPROM Data ]--------------------------------------------------------

'    Address: 0123456789           ' These two commented lines show
'             ||||||||||           ' EEPROM address of each datum.
DATA         "FLFFRBLBBQ"          ' Navigation instructions.

' -----[ Initialization ]-----------------------------------------------------

FREQOUT 4, 2000, 3000              ' Signal program start/reset.

' -----[ Main Routine ]-------------------------------------------------------

DO UNTIL (instruction = "Q")

  READ address, instruction        ' Data at address in instruction.
  address = address + 1            ' Add 1 to address for next read.

  SELECT instruction               ' Call a different subroutine
    CASE "F": GOSUB Forward        ' for each possible character
    CASE "B": GOSUB Backward       ' that can be fetched from
    CASE "L": GOSUB Left_Turn      ' EEPROM.
    CASE "R": GOSUB Right_Turn


END                                ' Stop executing until reset.

' -----[ Subroutine - Forward ]-----------------------------------------------

Forward:                           ' Forward subroutine.
 FOR pulseCount = 1 TO 64          ' Send 64 forward pulses.
   PULSOUT 13, 850                 ' 1.7 ms pulse to left servo.
   PULSOUT 12, 650                 ' 1.3 ms pulse to right servo.
   PAUSE 20                        ' Pause for 20 ms.
RETURN                             ' Return to Main Routine loop.

' -----[ Subroutine - Backward ]----------------------------------------------

Backward:                          ' Backward subroutine.
 FOR pulseCount = 1 TO 64          ' Send 64 backward pulses.
   PULSOUT 13, 650                 ' 1.3 ms pulse to left servo.
   PULSOUT 12, 850                 ' 1.7 ms pulse to right servo.
   PAUSE 20                        ' Pause for 20 ms.
RETURN                             ' Return to Main Routine loop.

' -----[ Subroutine - Left_Turn ]---------------------------------------------

Left_Turn:                         ' Left turn subroutine.
 FOR pulseCount = 1 TO 24          ' Send 24 left rotate pulses.
   PULSOUT 13, 650                 ' 1.3 ms pulse to left servo.
   PULSOUT 12, 650                 ' 1.3 ms pulse to right servo.
   PAUSE 20                        ' Pause for 20 ms.
RETURN                             ' Return to Main Routine loop.

' -----[ Subroutine – Right_Turn ]--------------------------------------------

Right_Turn:                        ' right turn subroutine.
 FOR pulseCount = 1 TO 24          ' Send 24 right rotate pulses.
   PULSOUT 13, 850                 ' 1.7 ms pulse to left servo.
   PULSOUT 12, 850                 ' 1.7 ms pulse to right servo.
   PAUSE 20                        ' Pause for 20 ms.
RETURN                             ' Return to Main Routine section.

Example 4:

' Robotics with the Boe-Bot - TestWhiskers.bs2
' Display what the I/O pins connected to the whiskers sense.

' {$STAMP BS2}                        ' Stamp directive
' {$PBASIC 2.5}                       ' PBASIC directive.

       " Left   Right", CR,
       "------ -------"

        "P5 = ", BIN1 IN5,
        " P7 = ", BIN1 IN7
  PAUSE 50

 ' Later on.. Let's add following:

 IF (IN7 = 0) THEN
  HIGH 1
  LOW 1

 IF (IN5 = 0) THEN
  HIGH 10
  LOW 10

 'And finally:
  IF (IN5 = 0) AND (IN7 = 0) THEN ' Both whiskers detect obstacle
    GOSUB Back_Up ' Back up & U-turn (left twice)
    GOSUB Turn_Left
    GOSUB Turn_Left
  ELSEIF (IN5 = 0) THEN ' Left whisker contacts
    GOSUB Back_Up ' Back up & turn right
    GOSUB Turn_Right
  ELSEIF (IN7 = 0) THEN ' Right whisker contacts
    GOSUB Back_Up ' Back up & turn left
    GOSUB Turn_Left
  ELSE ' Both whiskers 1, no contacts
    GOSUB Forward_Pulse ' Apply a forward pulse
  ENDIF ' and check again