Spike Prime - Game Controller - Jakub Vojtek

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Back to: List of projects of Spike up Prime Interest in Science and Technology with Raspberry Pi Build Hat

About the project

The Game Controller project involves creating an innovative game controller using motors and force sensors as the primary input mechanisms. This project aims to combine hardware components and programming skills to design a functional and interactive game controller that can be used to control various types of games.

600px BuildHat controller fotka.jpg


Build a robot

  • Try to make the controller as stable as possible with good cable management so the raspberry doesn't get damaged while moving around.

Building instructions:

Get the robot ready

  • Place your motor and ForceSensor where it suits you best.

Raspberry Python Code:

Ideas for improvement

  • Add new features to the game.
  • Add more motors and sensors for even more functionality.
  • Create your own new game.

Evaluate your performance

  • Think about how you approached the problem and about how else could it be solved.
  • Evaluate yourself on how you adapted when something didn't work as you hoped it would.

Teacher Resources