Spike Prime - Avalanche Cannon - Jakub Vojtek

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Back to: List of projects of Spike up Prime Interest in Science and Technology with Raspberry Pi Build Hat

About the project

In this project, students will create a sophisticated cannon control system using a combination of hardware and software. The project utilizes a Flask web app library to integrate interactive elements such as buttons, canvas, and text fields directly into Python code. This web app communicates user actions and data via signals. The project will also use Arduino board with gyroscope for calculating pitch.

  • PS: on the video the battery was almost dead so don't worry the camera and movement will be smoother.

BuildHat cannon model.png BuildHat cannon fotka.jpg


Build a robot

  • Be careful with balancing your robot so it doesn't fall over under the weight of the cannon and camera.

Building instructions:

Get the robot ready

  • Make sure the gyroscope is set in place for example with a double sided tape.

Raspberry Python Code:

Ideas for improvement

  • Save yaw from the gyroscope as well for even better mapping of the shots.
  • Interactively draw your pitch.
  • Find a way to make the robot move.

Evaluate your performance

  • Think about how you approached the problem and about how else could it be solved.
  • Evaluate yourself on how you adapted when something didn't work as you hoped it would.

Teacher Resources