Gesture-Controlled Tello Drone- Rapolas Kairys
From RoboWiki
Gesture Controlled Tello Drone Project
Goal of the Project
The main objective of this project is to control a Tello drone using gesture recognition from a laptop camera. Users can raise their arms in specific poses to make the drone move left, right, up or toggle flight (take off/land) by holding an “UP” pose for four seconds. This project aims to:
- Provide a way to interact with and control a small drone using hand gestures.
- Explore computer vision and machine learning for gesture recognition.
- Demonstrate real-time controls using multithreading to have a smooth video feed.
The system uses:
- MediaPipe Pose Estimation to detect body landmarks (shoulders, elbows).
- OpenCV for video processing.
- DJITelloPy library to send commands to the Tello drone over Wi-Fi, handling takeoff, landing, and movement.
- Multithreading to ensure that drone commands (which can block) do not freeze the camera feed or the user interface.
- Custom gesture logic to determine gestures (LEFT arm up, RIGHT arm up, both arms up, or none).
When the user performs a gesture in front of the laptop camera, the system detects it and translates it into a drone command:
- Holding both arms raised for 4 seconds toggles flight (either takeoff or land).
- Once in the air, raising both arms makes the drone go up.
- Raising only the left or right arm makes the drone move left or right.
- Doing neither results in a hover command.
- The drone moves 30cm for all commands, which can be changed in
- The command has to be held for 1.5 seconds to take effect. This helps prevent accidental commands and ensure safety.
- While the program is running and a drone is connected pressing "t" makes the drone take off/land. Pressing "q" shuts down the program.