Gesture-Controlled Tello Drone- Rapolas Kairys
From RoboWiki
Gesture Controlled Tello Drone Project
Goal of the Project
The main objective of this project is to control a Tello drone using gesture recognition from a laptop camera. Users can raise their arms in specific poses to make the drone move left, right, up or toggle flight (take off/land) by holding an “UP” pose for four seconds. This project aims to:
- Provide a way to interact with and control a small drone using hand gestures.
- Explore computer vision and machine learning for gesture recognition.
- Demonstrate real-time controls using multithreading to have a smooth video feed.
Tools used
- MediaPipe for pose estimation.
- OpenCV for video processing.
- DJITelloPy library for drone communication over wifi.
Key features:
- Hand movement recognition for drone directional control
- First-person view (FPV) video recording
- Command queue system for safe operation