PCA analýza akčných potenciálov
From RoboWiki
This is Neuron in the thalamus: Oscilloscope tracing of the activity from neurons in the thalamus (nucleus parafascicularis).
In the recording, you should be able to see several action potentials with different sizes. There is one large spike and several smaller ones.
Run video from Sounds of Neuroscience
And this is a simulation of Channel Gating during an action potential from the Gary G. Matthews: NEUROBIOLOGY Molecules, Cells and Systems
See simulation
- [<http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Action_potential&oldid=249329843 Action potential.] Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (3 Nov 2008, 03:43 UTC. 12 Nov 2008).
- Lewicki, M.S. A review of methods for spike sorting: the detection and classification of neural action potentials. Network: Computation in Neural Systems. 9(4): R53-R78. (1998)
Available online: http://www.iop.org/Journals/featured/ne1998009040001