EduRob Open Roberta Lab Tutorial Series

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 This is an EduRob Open Roberta Lab Tutorial Series
 version 2, 2024/08/08
 They were created by Pavel Petrovic from Comenius University, Bratislava
 in cooperation with other participants of the EduRob summer school at TU Graz in July 2024.
 To run this, clone the Open Roberta Lab tutorial editor from Github:
 You need JDK 8 installed on your machine.
 Then run the script start_windows.bat.
 It will start a local Open Roberta Lab server at your machine
 as well as a local Roberta Lab Tutorial Editor (for the case you would
 like to make changes to the tutorials)
 Manually copy the contents of this folder to openroberta-tutorial/tutorial folder
 in your home folder (for instance C:\Users\student\openroberta-tutorial\tutorial)
 Then you open the Open Roberta Lab from your local browser at http://localhost:1999/
 (if you want to edit the tutorials, open http://localhost:1999/tutorialEditor/)
 Optionally, you can also open it from other machines in your local network,
 specifying the IP address of the machine instead of locahost. 
 Select the platform EV3Dev, and then Tutorials from the top menu. 
 You will see a selection of 12 tutorials:
 Lesson 01 - Hello Robot                         - Introduction and basic movements
 Lesson 02 - Maze Navigation                     - Programming simple sequences of basic movements
 Lesson 03 - Interesting Shapes and Movements    - More elementary movements, gaining confidence
 Lesson 04 - Robot, look around!                 - Introduction to sensors, very simple tasks
 Lesson 05 - Useful robots!                      - Solving simple tasks that combine sensors and movements
 Lesson 06 - Sit down                            - Conditions, nested conditions
 Lesson 07 - Line Following                      - Building up line-following algorithm with one light sensor
 Lesson 08 - More Line Following                 - Different algorithms for line-following with one and two sensors
 Lesson 09 - Storing Information                 - Introduces variables on simple tasks
 Lesson 10 - Remembering More Data               - Introduces lists; storing melodies and rhythms
 Lesson 11 - Multiple Robots                     - Example programs and tasks for multi-robot simulation
 Lesson 12 - Pattern Recognition                 - A complex project with memorizing and recognizing line patterns
 The tutorials are ready to be used in your teaching practice.
 The estimated duration is a very rough approximation, you many need twice as long time if you want your class to take it slowly.
 For preview, if you are busy and do not want to install the system, you can look in the attached PDF file, which contains all the tutorial contents.
 We are happy for any feedback, corrections, translations to other languages, and future cooperation!