Visual Systems for Robots
From RoboWiki
by RNDr. Andrej Lúčny, PhD. (MicroStep-MIS, Ltd., Slovakia) presented at the Robotic Summer School 2010
- You can use Matlab
or Octave
- download accompanying workfiles
- unzip (recommended to C:\Work)
Part 1: Training on input image mainpulation
- start ImageJ
- open pic1.jpg
- Image / Color /
RGB SplitSplit Channels - apply Image / Lookup Tables / Red to pic1.jpg (red)
- apply Image / Lookup Tables / Green to pic1.jpg (green)
- apply Image / Lookup Tables / Blue to pic1.jpg (blue)
- close everything
- open pic1.jpg
- apply Image / Type / 8bit to get gray image
- apply Process / Binary / Make Binary to get binary image
- start Octave or Matlab
- change directory to directory with this training using the cd 'C:\Work\part1'
- launch tr1
Part 2: Training on 2D processing
- Install additional Plug-Ins for ImageJ. Download Plugin, copy it to the cd 'C:\Work\ImageJ\plugins\ij-plugins_toolkit.jar'
- start ImageJ
- open pic1.jpg
- turn it grayscale: Image / Type / 8bit
- descrease noise by threshold: Image / Adjust / Threshold
- select Black & White from menu
- move with low and high end of range to emphasize the seen objects
- Apply and close the threshold window
- make the image binary: Process / Binary / Make binary
- if the picture contains now black object on white background, change it to white object on black background: Image / Lookup Tables / Invert LUT
- try to eliminate holes in object by Process / Binary / Dilate and Process / Binary / Erode
- try Process / Binary / Skeletonize
- restart ImageJ
- open pic1.jpg
- start segmentation to 2 colors by Plugins / Segmentation / k-means clustering (select two colors)
- return to the opened pic1.jpg and three times apply Process /Smooth then again perform the same segmentation
- compare the two segmented images and select better
- restart ImageJ
- open pic2.jpg
- apply Process / Filters / Gaussian Blur / 1.0
- apply Process / Find edges
- apply Process / Binary / Make Binary
- apply thinning by Process / Binary / Skeletonize
- start Octave or Matlab
- change directory to directory with this training by cd 'C:\Work\part2'
- launch tr2
Part 3: Training on 3D processing
- start ImageJ
- open pic3.jpg, depthX.jpg and depthY.jpg
There is box and figure on the image pic3.jpg -- you can see that these images has the same resolution.
depthX represents X coordinate of surface point visibile at the particular pixel
depthY represents Y coordinate
How many times further is the box than the figure ?
(Hint: use ImageJ to display coordinates of the proper surface points and find distance from camera from depth images)
(Hint2: The correct answer is half of very known and famous number)
Part 4: Training on recognition
- start Octave or Matlab
- change directory to directory with this training by cd 'C:\Work\part4'
- launch tr4
This program recognizes orange color of ball and turn the image pic4.jpg to pic5.jpg
- Copy Hough_Circles.class and into C:\Work\ImageJ\plugins\HoughTransform (or similar path)
- start ImageJ
- open pic5.jpg
- turn it to binary: Process / Binary / Make Binary
- Process / Binary / Dilate
- Process / Binary / Skeletonize
- Plugins / Hough Cricles / ask for 1 circle from 30 to 100 and the program should caclulate center of the circle
What will happen if we do not decrease number of white points by skeletonization ?