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* 12.3. Bayesian Robot Programming, literatúra: [http://emotion.inrialpes.fr/bibemotion/2004/LBDM04/Lebeltel04.pdf Journal article in Autonomous Robots 16, 49-79, 2004 by Olivier Lebeltel, Pierre Bessiere, Julien Diard, and Emmanuel Mazer]
* 12.3. Bayesian Robot Programming, literatúra: [http://emotion.inrialpes.fr/bibemotion/2004/LBDM04/Lebeltel04.pdf Journal article in Autonomous Robots 16, 49-79, 2004 by Olivier Lebeltel, Pierre Bessiere, Julien Diard, and Emmanuel Mazer]
* 19.3. Introduction to Probabilistic Programming, Bayesian filters
* 19.3. Introduction to Probabilistic Robotics
* 26.3. Introduction to Hidden Markov Models
* 26.3. Bayesian filters, Kalman filters
* 2.4. (break)
* 9.4. Introduction to Hidden Markov Models

Revision as of 10:46, 20 March 2008

Čas: Streda, 11:30 - 13:00
Miesto: Robotické laboratórium, FEI STU, blok D, 7. poschodie

Na robotickom seminári sa preberajú teoretické i praktické aspekty programovania inteligentných robotických systémov. Záujemci sú vítaní (pre istotu sa najskôr ozvite na info@robotika.sk).

Program seminára:

  • 19.3. Introduction to Probabilistic Robotics
  • 26.3. Bayesian filters, Kalman filters
  • 2.4. (break)
  • 9.4. Introduction to Hidden Markov Models


Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard and Dieter Fox: Probabilistic Robotics, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 2005. ISBN: 0-262-20162-3