RoboCup Junior Slovakia 2007
Full version (in Slovak)
The twelfth year of the Contest in building and programming robots for secondary and elementary schools, RoboCup Junior Slovakia 2007 took place in the creative environment of Combined secondary school of electrical technology in a little town Stará Turá in Western Slovakia on March 1st and 2nd. The contest consisted of several categories:
Thematic Robot Building and Programming, Robotic Soccer, RoboRescue, and Robotic Dance. The contest served as the RoboCup Junior national selection round. More than 30 teams from the whole Slovakia participated. The contest was organized by the Slovak Society of Electronics. |
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Robot Building and Programming
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Ten teams worked for four hours on projects on the theme "Ecology". The teams presented their projects to the Jury, and the audience. The teams used the LEGO robotics sets as the platform - both RCX and NXT sets were allowed and used. |
Robotic Soccer
The robotic soccer with infrared ball was played using the standard international RoboCup Junior rules.
Both one-on-one and two-on-two categories were played, a tournament with all teams playing against all teams. Seven teams participated in one-on-one category, 4 teams participated in two-on-two category. |
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The matches were spectacular and on a comparable level to the world championship. The winning teams are advancing to the World Finals (provided they will acquire funding).
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In the popular contest of RoboRescue according to the international rules of RoboCup Junior attracted 9 participating teams. See the full version in Slovak for the results. |
Robot Dance
The most spectacular and creative category attracted four teams. The performances were very cute, see the photo galleries below. | ![]() (+) |
Photo Galleries
Feedback:, pavel.petrovic
Durouška Milan, ZSŠE Stará Turá
Miro Kohút, Slovenská spoločnosť elektronikov
Baran Marián, Slovenská spoločnosť elektronikov
Ondrej Borek, ZŠ Pusté Úľany
Peter Cehelský, ZŠ Štrba
Ladislav Gergel, ZŠ Krajné,
Viera Jacková, ZŠ Prievidza,
Tomáš Lieskovský, Gymnázium Martina Hatalu Trstená,
Pavol Mičúch, ZŠ Slov. partizánov, Považská Bystrica
Marta Ondrušová, ZŠ Spišský Hrhov,
Dušan Paholík, ZŠ Domaniža,
Jana Plichtová, Gymnázium Alejová Košice,
Miroslav Zajíček, ZŠ Šurany,
Magda Zmarzláková, ZŠ Rudolfa Dilonga, Trstená
Lukáš Boško, Gymnázium Považská Bystrica
Andrej Pančík, Gymnázium Tajovského, Banská Bystrica
Peter Cvik, EDUXE
Pavol, ZŠ Galanta
Pavel Petrovič, NTNU Trondheim,
Digilent Inc.
See for information on other robotics contests.