Spike Prime - Line Following Car - Jakub Vojtek
From RoboWiki
Back to: List of projects of Spike up Prime Interest in Science and Technology with Raspberry Pi Build Hat
About the project
This project is a line-following robot, designed to autonomously navigate along a pre-defined path. The robot uses camera to detect and follow a line, typically a contrasting strip of color on the ground. By continuously adjusting its steering to stay on the line, the robot can move accurately along complex routes.
Build a robot
- Be careful with the wires while building so they don't get stuck in wheels.
Building instructions:
Get the robot ready
- Pick the desired color range in HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) from color_picker script.
- Edit wheels speed to work for your project (faster for smaller turn angles, slower for bigger turn angles).
- Place your robot on the start of the line.
Raspberry Python Code:
Ideas for improvement
- Make the robot speed up if the line is straight and slow down before the turn.
- Try to make the robot make as sharp turn as you can.
Evaluate your performance
- Think about how you approached the problem and about how else could it be solved.
- Evaluate yourself on how you adapted when something didn't work as you hoped it would.
Teacher Resources