Spike Prime - PhotoMath - Teacher Resources

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Complexity of the task: Medium, students have previous experience with image processing and algorithms but now need to integrate and apply OCR technology to recognize and solve mathematical equations.

Lesson Plan

1. Prepare

  • Read through the student material to understand how to set up and use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for recognizing handwritten or printed mathematical equations.

2. Engage (10 Min.)

  • Start the lesson by demonstrating how OCR can be used to solve handwritten or printed mathematical equations.
  • Discuss the potential applications of OCR in education, such as assisting students with learning disabilities or automating the grading process.

3. Explore (30 Min.)

  • Provide students with resources and guide them through the setup process, including installing OpenCV, Tesseract OCR, and configuring the development environment.
  • Demonstrate basic functionalities of OCR, such as loading images, pre-processing them, and extracting text.
  • Encourage hands-on exploration by providing sample code snippets and tasks for students to experiment with OCR for recognizing mathematical equations.

4. Explain (10 Min.)

  • Explain the role of OCR in converting images of text into machine-readable text.
  • Discuss the challenges in recognizing handwritten text versus printed text and how pre-processing techniques like binarization, noise removal, and segmentation can help.
  • Show how the extracted text can be further processed to solve mathematical equations.

5. Elaborate (30 Min.)

  • Encourage students to enhance the project by brainstorming and implementing additional features, such as recognizing complex equations, integrating a user-friendly interface, or providing step-by-step solutions.
  • Provide guidance and resources to support students in their elaboration projects, fostering creativity and deeper understanding.

6. Evaluate

  • Assess students' comprehension and practical skills by observing their ability to set up the OCR system and use it to recognize and solve mathematical equations.
  • Provide constructive feedback to students, highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement in their implementation and problem-solving approaches.
  • Encourage self-reflection and peer feedback to foster continuous learning and improvement throughout the project.

Ignite a Discussion

Start by watching the video

  • In what ways can OCR technology be utilized outside of educational contexts?
  • What are some potential challenges in developing an OCR system for complex handwritten equations?

Task for students

Ask students to complete an assignment where they need to set up the OCR system, capture images of handwritten or printed mathematical equations, and extract the text to solve the equations.

Materials for students