Spike Prime - Safe - Teacher Resources

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Task complexity: Medium, it is enough to know how to work with sensors in the Python language, and by adding a couple of ifs, the task is easily solved. The complexity can be caused by the mathematical part of the task, since it is necessary to calculate how many possibilities of the password are now available.

Lesson Plan

1. Prepare

  • Read through the student material.

2. Engage (10 Min.)

  • Use the ideas in the Ignite a Discussion section below to engage your students in a discussion related to this lesson.
  • Use the video to explain the lesson.

3. Explore (30 Min.)

  • Have your students work in pairs to build the build robot.
  • Ask them to run the program to see how the robot works.

4. Explain (10 Min.)

  • Organize a discussion about robot.

5. Elaborate (30 Min.)

  • Ask students to work on the solutions they like best.
  • Don't forget to leave time for cleaning

6. Evaluate

  • Give feedback on each student's performance.

Ignite a Discussion

Start the discussion with safes. Who knows what and who saw what in the movies or in life. Discuss mobile phone passwords and consider the number of possible phone password combinations.

Examples of how each sensor can be used

  • Color sensor: While the correct password is entered, the color sensor should see the specific color.
  • Range sensor: During an incorrectly entered password, an object must be located at a certain distance from the sensor. We recommend using a fixed part so that the distance is always the same
  • Force sensor: An object of a certain weight will lie on the sensor when the password is entered correctly.
  • Buttons: You can simply use what you need to click on one of the buttons to start checking whether the password was entered correctly. You can also make some kind of sequence in which the buttons should be pressed. You can also use the main hub button that glows in different colors and click on one of the arrows when the correct color is shown on the button.
  • It can also be considered a complication that the password must be entered sequentially, that is, first one motor and then the second, if the sequence is violated, then the password is not correct.

Materials for students