Evolutionary and Probabilistic Robotics Experiments

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The aim of our efforts under this project is to study the topics of Probabilistic and Evolutionary Robotics utilizing the Behavior-Based Robotics architectures and methods of Evolutionary Design for simultaneous evolution of robot morphology and controllers. The experiments are performed both in simulation and on real robots. As part of this wider theme, we perform various specific experiments that are focused on detailed partial problems as well as cooperate with partners who share some of our interests.

Software tools

Available hardware

Relevant information and publications

  • Evolving shapes
  • Petrovic P (2008) Evolving Behavior Coordination for Mobile Robots Using Distributed Finite-State Automata, in Aleksandar Laznica (ed.) Frontiers in ER, I-TECH, ISBN 978-3-902613-19-6.
  • Plavcan J., Petrovic P. (2007) Direct and Indirect Representations for Evolutionary Design of Objects, EA'2007, LNCS 4926, Springer, 2008.
