Spike Prime - Remote Controlled Car - Jakub Vojtek

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Back to: List of projects of Spike up Prime Interest in Science and Technology with Raspberry Pi Build Hat

About the project

The Remote Controlled Car project involves building a car that can be operated remotely using the BlueDot library. he car will be controlled via a smartphone or tablet, using the BlueDot interface to send commands for moving the car forward, backward, left, or right. This project teaches the principles of robotics, Bluetooth communication, and real-time remote control, providing students with hands-on experience in developing and managing a remote-controlled vehicle.

BuildHat bluedot model.png BuildHat bluedot fotka.jpg


Build a robot

  • Be careful with cable management so the cables don't get stuck in wheels.
  • Fasten your LED and buzzer with two sided tape or build a holder for them.

Building instructions:

Get the robot ready

  • Pick and place wheels so they don't interfere with each other.

Raspberry Python Code:

Ideas for improvement

  • Make movement smoother.
  • Add sensors for even more functionality.
  • Learn the car to make tricks.

Evaluate your performance

  • Think about how you approached the problem and about how else could it be solved.
  • Evaluate yourself on how you adapted when something didn't work as you hoped it would.

Teacher Resources
